Welcome on the englishspeaking page of the „Institute of applied Biography and Family Research Kassel (IBF-Kassel)” in Germany.
The Institute is a scientific research Institution and service for those citicens who are interested in biography and family research in Hesse, Germany or Poland.
Many citicens of Hesse, Germany and Poland left their home in the last 250 Years. Their descendents, who are living in the USA, Canada and other countries, are looking for their roots and want to know more about the origin of their forefathers. Many churchbooks can already be viewed through databases. However, many important information can only be found on site and in archives. The lack of knowlegde of the language and high costs prevent their own research.
The “Institute of applied Biography and Family Research Kassel (IBF-Kassel)” helps you with your research and represents you on the spot. The institute is also a specialist in the history of Hesse, Silesia and Warmia in Prussia and Poland. But also war events can be worked out military historically.
Below a chronology of North-Hesse with its historical names:
1567-1803 Landgrafschaft Hessen-Cassel (Landgraviate of Hesse-Cassel)1803-1806 Kurfürstentum Hessen (Electorate of Hesse-Cassel)
1807-1813 Königreich Westfalen (Kingdom of Westphalia)
1813-1866 Kurfürstentum Hessen (Electorate of Hesse-Cassel)
1866-1919 Königreich Preußen, Provinz Hessen-Nassau (Kingdom of Prussia,
Province of Hesse-Nassau)
1919-1944 Deutsches Reich, Preußische Provinz Hessen-Nassau (German Reich,
Prussia, Province of Hesse-Nassau
1944-1945 Deutsches Reich, Preußische Provinz Kurhessen (German Reich, Prussia,
Province of Electoral-Hesse)
1945-1946 Amerikanische Besatzungszone, Groß-Hessen (Republic of Greater-Hesse)
1946-1949 Amerikanische Besatzungszone, Hessen (Republic of Hesse)
1949-heute Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Hessen (Federal Republic of Germany, Hesse)
1706-1712 Grafschaft Waldeck-Pyrmont (County of Waldeck-Pyrmont)
1712-1918 Fürstentum Waldeck-Pyrmont (Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont)
1918-1921 Freistaat Waldeck-Pyrmont (Free State of Waldeck-Pyrmont)
1921-1929 Freistaat Waldeck (Free State of Waldeck)
1929 to Prussia/Hesse-Nassau
1650-1806 Landgrafschaft Hessen-Darmstadt, Amt "Herrschaft Itter" (Landgraviate of Hesse-Darmstadt, Department "Herrschaft Itter")
1806-1821 Großherzogtum Hessen, Amt "Herrschaft Itter" (Grand Duchy of Hesse, Department "Herrschaft Itter")
1821-1866 Großherzogtum Hessen, Kreis Vöhl (Grand Duchy of Hesse, District Vöhl)
1866 to Prussia/Hesse-Nassau
Institut für angewandte Biografie- und Familienforschung Kassel (IBF-Kassel)
Christian Bruno von Kłobuczyński M.A.
Weserstraße 26
D-34125 Kassel
Phone +49 / 561 / 9700544
Fax +49 / 561 / 9700545
Mobile +49 / 162 / 9872813